Dianne Feinstein United States Senator, Public Enemy & Constitutional Terrorist
One of the Dianne Feinstein official response Letters to negative opposition from the people who elected her; who she is supposed to be representing on SOPA, PIPA and recently the NDAA.
Feinstein is one of the richest members of Congress. Whose business do you think she is doing since she is a truly a Greedy 1%er and she couldn’t care less about the 99%!
She is Stinking Rich to quote SF Weekly:
Her cold and uncaring canned form letter response to constituants is as follows.
BTW she is up for re-election in 2012!
“Dear Citizen or is it Customer:
I received your letter expressing opposition to the “Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act,” commonly known as the “PROTECT IP Act.” I appreciate knowing your views on this matter.
The “PROTECT IP Act” (S. 968) gives both copyright and trademark owners and the U.S. Department of Justice the authority to take action against websites that are “dedicated to infringing activities.” These are websites that have “no significant use other than engaging in, enabling, or facilitating” copyright infringement, the sale of goods with a counterfeit trademark, or the evasion of technological measures designed to protect against copying.
The bill does not violate First Amendment rights to free speech because copyright piracy is not speech. [NOT TRUE]
[Feinstein with the MPAA & RIAA Supporters of SOPA & PIPA, probably big donors. What interesting motivation as doing her bosses bidding.]
America’s copyright industry is an important economic engine, and I believe copyright owners should be able to prevent their works from being illegally duplicated and stolen. The protection of intellectual property is particularly vital to California’s thriving film, music, and high-technology industries.
I understand you have concerns about the “PROTECT IP Act.” While I voted in favor of this bill when it was before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I have also been working with California high-technology businesses to improve the bill and to address the concerns of high-tech businesses, public interest groups and others. I recognize the bill needs further changes to prevent it from imposing undue burdens on legitimate businesses and activities, and I will be working to make the improvements, either by working with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) or through amendments on the Senate floor.
On May 26, 2011, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the “PROTECT IP Act” for consideration by the full Senate. Please know I will keep your concerns and thoughts in mind should the Senate proceed to a vote on this legislation. As you may be aware, Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) has introduced similar legislation, the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (H.R. 3261), in the House of Representatives.
[Go ahead as she requests below; give Dianne a piece of your mind, She would like to know how your feeling… Give her your own personal temperature check and mic check]
Once again, thank you for sharing your views. I hope you will continue to keep me informed on issues of importance to you. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.
Wishing you a happy 2012.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website, Feinstein.senate.gov. You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list. Click here to sign up. Feel free to checkout my YouTube Page.”
If you believe anything in this letter from Feinstein click here to read this article in which Facebook explains why she is out of touch.
Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Weights In
The internet is the most powerful tool we have for creating a more open and connected world. We can’t let poorly thought out laws get in the way of the internet’s development. Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPA, and we will continue to oppose any laws that will hurt the internet.
The world today needs political leaders who are pro-internet. We have been working with many of these folks for months on better alternatives to these current proposals. I encourage you to learn more about these issues and tell your congressmen that you want them to be pro-internet.
You can read more about our views here: https://www.facebook.com/FacebookDC?sk=app_329139750453932.
I want Feinstein out. I would vote for almost anyone else, except a Republican. Unfortunately, so far in elections, her only real competitor has been a Republican. We The People been to get a candidate to run for her office and for Senator Boxer’s. Please, whose going to run?
Hi Jeani,
Thank you for your comment and visiting nn99.org!
I certainly don’t have all the answers but there must be someone like Harvey Milk or some other caring moral and ethical potential candidate out there. Now that we know where she stands, even if she gets in again WE must hold her feet to the fire and expose anything that is meant to represent greedy 1% instead of the 99%. I truly believe we are entering a time of TRUTH. It is all going to come out and the power holders today are going to kick and scream and be violent to hold onto their entitlement. This is why they are militarizing the cities… Michael Moore said it on the Tava Smiley Special, “that the 1% doesn’t trust the police to keep them safe as things get worse for the 99%, So the NDAA was about the 1% being able to call in the military for protection”. We need to spread the word and stop this insanity now! It is our only hope. The Audacity of Hope is that we remain free. Free At Last!
in Love Light and Peace,
Just to note, Mike Strimling is running in the California open Primary this June for Senate, for the Feinstein seat. I notice you mention Harvey Milk, so you go way back with us – and know that Dianne Feinstein was to the right of Moscone and Milk and changed San Francisco in the 1980’s to a downtown developer controlled town. Hope you will check us out at TaxTheRich2012.org and help get the word out that there is an alternative on the June ballot somewhat more progressive than the incumbent. If enough people come out, there could even be a run-off of a Democrat against a Democrat this fall in the open primary system.
thank u for fighting the good fight!
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