Drones Coming to Your Neighborhood

Drones in American Skies Unmanned drones will soon be hovering over your neighborhood. The Congress of the United States just passed the FAA Reauthorization Act. This bill gives the Federal Aviation […]

The Curse of GM FOODS

GM Foods and Monsanto GM food is dangerous and detrimental to your health. Monsanto, the main instigator of the corporate GM food movement would have you believe otherwise. Monsanto wants you to […]

J27 OccupiedAir DC Live Stream Reporting On New Restrictions

OccupiedAir is an independent news channel supporting the Occupy movement across the United States.We provide live coverage of protest events from #OWS actions in New York City to OccupyCongress in […]


J26 Occupy303 Stream Covers Obama’s Visit to Denver Today! POTUS MIC CHECK

Free live streaming by Ustream

Dianne Feinstein United States Senator, Public Enemy & Constitutional Terrorist

One of the Dianne Feinstein official  response Letters to negative opposition from the people who elected her; who she is supposed to be representing on SOPA, PIPA and recently the […]


Stephen Colbert Runs for President 2012 (or how we the people ended up in an Onion Article)

  Stephen Colbert announces he’ll contest in South Carolina 2012   President Obama Giving Stephen Colbert Acting Lessons GRRReat Job Mr Prez… does he really care..? the original clip: my […]